Thimeo Audio Technology
makes and sells the famous software-based audio processor Stereo Tool. Also they bring you the microMPX software which replaces the old fashioned STL for an modern MPX over IP link.
Stereo Tool is a software-based audio processor which offers outstanding audio quality and comes with many unique features. It is used by over 3000 FM stations ranging from small local stations to 50-100 kW stations and nation-wide networks with dozens of transmitters. Also thousands of streaming stations and many DAB+, HD, AM and TV stations use the software.
It can be used for both live and file based processing. A free version of the Stereo Tool software for home use has been downloaded millions of times.
Nowadays it also builds the real hardware broadcast audio processor the STXtreme and they brought the microMPX codec software. You can use this for a modern STL link bringing you the possibility to sent MPX signals over a normal speed internet connection from your studio to your transmitter site.
Thimeo Audio Technology B.V. is still developping new software base products for the broadcast market.
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