Is a manufacturer of (wireless) microphones, record player elements and in-ear systems. Over the years, the brand has become very popular in the audio world. In the broadcasting indutry well known from their famous SM7 broadcast mic.
The company was founded in 1924 , then under the name TheShure Radio Company. In 1928, the name was changed to Shure Brothers Company, because the founder’s brother started working in the company. The company moved to Evanston, Illinois in 1956, and then moved to Niles, Illinois in 2002, where it remains headquartered today.
Until 1933, this company mainly focused on making radio equipment. After this, they also started to focus on microphones and discussion systems. Production of the SM57 started in 1965, with the SM58 also brought onto the market a year later. In 1999 the name was changed to Shure Incorporated.
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