Angry Audio

ProFM Broadcast | Angry AudioAdmit it… you love radio. Over-the-air or internet, live or podcast; it doesn’t matter. Getting radio content to your audience is both thrill and challenge. Oh, you’ve sweat a lot from hard work and worry. And come up with clever solutions that would make MacGyver envious. And all the weekends and holidays you’ve sacrificed… if that’s not love, what is it?

I love radio too. I spent the last 25 years designing and building studio products – mostly mixing consoles – for PR&E, Telos, Axia and Lawo. If you’re in radio, you’ve likely encountered my designs. Along the way I’ve visited your studios. Heard your war-stories. Learned a lot. And in all those stories there’s one takeaway: details matter.

Sure, we usually pay the most attention to the big-ticket gear, like consoles, transmitters and processors. But have you ever noticed that you can spend a disproportionate amount of time trying to figure out answers to small problems those big products don’t solve? Problems that escalate fast when left unaddressed. Maybe you just need an extra input for a smartphone. Or an automated way to handle an emergency alert. A custom mix to record phone calls. An amplifier for a long cable. Maybe you’re chasing ground-loop hum, or trying to make a PC sound card sound better.

Like you, I sweat the details. That’s why I started Angry Audio: to make products that solve these nagging problems. Products that allow you to build systems that do what you want, the way you want. Our products – we call them audio gadgets – are each laser-focused on addressing one or two details. They are inexpensive and easy to use. And, because radio can be rough, they’re damned near indestructible too.

I have to confess: I am a bit of a fanatic for sound quality. Our audio gadgets all deliver the kind of transparent audio performance you’d expect to find in the most discerning recording studio. Some have told me this is overkill for radio. I disagree. The tools you use to create and deliver compelling radio should be just as sharp as those used to master music.

One last thing: please bookmark our site, and visit us often. We have more than a dozen gadgets in development and will be launching new ones every few months. Sooner or later, we’re going to launch a gadget that solves a nagging problem for you. Which might just help you get home for dinner on time for a change. You gotta love that.

Michael “Catfish” Dosch

Angry Audio

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